Tidbits 3/13/2019

Indian River Dog Training Club has cancelled their May Agility trial.

The following are some articles that I shared on Facebook/Twitter during the past few months (definitely simpler than making up one of these).

NADAC is bringing back Gamblers in August 

Some information about refusals in TDAA https://tdaanews.wordpress.com/2019/02/21/refusals-in-the-tdaa/

Some AKC Judges info about Dog Walks https://akcagilityjudges.wordpress.com/2019/02/20/lets-talk-dog-walks/

New UKI rule book defining the Repeat and Move On option for corrections in the ring and some other stuff. https://www.ukagilityinternational.com/ImageUploads/UKI%20Rules%205th%20Edition%20Effective%20March%201%202019.pdf

The Shih Tzu club is having a national speciality agility trial at Bratty Paws on April 20-22 (Sat, Sun & Mon). Saturday & Sunday are all breed and Monday is Shih Tzu only. Their entries have been light and they have asked me to get the word out. They are fighting Easter weekend and the basically four day trial at Lady Lake/Wiersdale that weekend. 

The AKC 2020 National Agility Championship will be held again in Perry, GA March 27-29.

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