AKC Premier Update
The AKC Judges Blog had update on the Premier Class. (Link to blog entry)
The most interesting thing for those that have to run the courses is a diagram of some of the “Premier Challenges” that you may encounter. There is a link at the bottom of the blog to the diagram (…
Tidbits 1/24/2016
Premiums in the Calendar
I have started adding premium links in the calendar. The following is an example one that I did today:

The Premium link will transport you to the Florida Agility page that has the actual premium link and the other information that is available for the trial. …
Tidbits 1/14/2016
Springtime Road Trip
Would you like to be able to do 13 AKC trials over three weekends? How about the following road trip
- Greater Monroe Kennel club in Concord, NC - indoors on padded artificial turf - 4 days March 31 - April 3
- …
Tidbits 1/10/2016
Marion-Alachua DTA announces evening AKC trial at their facility
The MADTA agility trial committee is pleased to announce the approval of our first ever night time AKC agility trials being held on our newly improved, laser leveled agility fields at the MADTA building in Ocala, FL. The trial dates are April 29 & 30, 2016. Our judge is Gill Chapman of Florida. We will be running Novice, Open and Excellent Standard and Jumpers both evenings. This trial will be limited to 225 runs a day. More details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, please mark your calendars for this inaugural event.
Site updates
I have done some updating to the various Google maps on the site. They are now consistently sized. While I was going through this process in the site descriptions, I removed some sites from the menu that have fallen out of favor. …
Happy New Year 2016
2015 saw an increase in trial sets over 2014 (131 to 142) and a corresponding increase in trial days (361 to 386). AKC was still in first place, CPE in second place but third place is shared by USDAA and UKI. USDAA had more trial days and UKI had more sets of trials. …