
Due to the virus precautions, some clubs are cancelling the trials. AKC has temporarily dropped the closing date requirement from 14 days before the trial start to seven days if the club wishes. 

When I find out about a cancellation, I mark the calendar title as “CANCELLED”. If a premium has been issued, I will mark the title of the premium page as “CANCELLED”. If I am hosting a copy of the premium, I will watermark the premium PDF as “CANCELLED”. 

If you are entered in a trial, the trial secretary should notify you. 

My big problem is finding the cancellations. CPE is relatively easy since they post the cancellations on their trial directory. UKI also highlights the cancellations on their show diary page. AKC has an event cancellation page but it is slow getting updated (I have been notified of several AKC cancellations and there are no Florida AKC trials on the page as I am writing this). I am not sure yet what a USDAA, UKC or ASCA cancellation would look like (no pending TDAA trials at this time). 

I would appreciate a notification of cancellation at my george at floridaagility dot com address. 

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