Agility Demo Request

I received a query about finding someone that could hold an agility demo in the Dominican Republic. The following is the text of the basic requirements:

Hello George:

We have a Pets Expo on August 20 2017 in Dominican Republic. here we speak spanish, and last year we brought the Puerto Rico Agility Team, with 3 dogs. We need something similar, we have the equipment and the space and everything, we only need a gruoup of 2 o 3 dogs with trainers to make 2 presentations that day.  The should travel on saturado to D.R. and they could return to USA on Monday if they want, we have flights everyday 3 times a day.

Our Expo is Comercial and educational, we use it to educate the people about how to be a good owner and we show them new alternatives to have fun with their dogs.

If you are interested or need more information, you can contact Daniella Mena at

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