Banner Images

A different banner image is served up each day. This way, your browser will cache the image and not download a new image for each page you visit. I have tried to get a number of different breeds so that they are not all Border Collies, Shelties, Aussies and Papillons. I can handle a large number of images. 

I would like to thank Joanne at Furry Fotography for providing the images. The images are of a reduced resolution than you would obtain from Furry Fotography to discourage theft and speed the loading of the image. 

If you would like to suggest an image to be placed on the banner, let me have the following information:

  • The name and date of the trial (as defined on the Furry Fotography page)
  • the image ID

I look for some of the following when I select banner images.

  • Is the handler out of the picture (or can they be cropped out of the picture)
  • Does the dog look like it is moving 
  • Is it a breed that I do not have already (don’t want it to be all BCs, Aussies, Shelties & Papillons)
  • The expression on the dog’s face
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