Tidbits 2/19/2016

Florida Premium Dates

I have revised a page that had the dates that AKC premiums were due and when I actually published a link to the premium. The page is now called Florida Premium Dates and is located under the “More” menu. There are also links to the page on the Calendar page and the Premiums page. 

The page now tracks all venues. The bottom of the page gives my rationale for determining the Estimated Premium Due date for each venue. For some organizations, this is somewhat fuzzy. Trials are added to the spreadsheet when I see them appear in the licensing organization calendar. The Premium Posted date is the date that I added a link to the premium (or noticed it if we were out of town for a trial).

Premium posted dates are available for AKC trials back to the beginning of July 2015 and for other organizations back to the second week of February 2016. Data in the spreadsheet prior to July 2015 is used for calculating the Agility Trial Stats (also under the “More” menu).

I have a folder of bookmarks that I use when I scan for premiums. I have Safari load the folder of bookmarks as separate tabs and this page is the first page that I look at. I can get a sense for the clubs that I need to focus on. For you, you can look at it as a chronological list of trials and whether the premium is published or approximately when it will be published. 

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