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Directions from a premium

From Daytona: 1-95 S; exit #215 to FL-50 W, go 14.1 miles, turn L on FL 520 (immediately after overpass), go 1.9 miles, turn R onto Maxim Pkwy at the light, go 1 mile to the end and turn L on Bancroft Blvd, go 0.7 miles turn L on Northcliff St., 0.3 miles to 20351 on the Left

From Melbourne: I-95 N, exit #201 FL-520, turn L toward Orlando/Cocoa Stadium, go 20.8 miles turn L onto Maxim Pkwy at the light, go 1.1 miles turn L onto Bancroft Blvd, go 0.7 miles turn L on Northcliff St., 0.3 miles to 20351 on the Left

From Orlando: east on FL SR 50/Colonial through Bithlo, veer right onto SR 520 after passing the speedway, go 1.9 miles and turn R onto Maxim Pkwy at the light, go 1 mile to the end and turn L on Bancroft Blvd, go 0.7 miles turn L on Northcliff St., 0.3 miles to 20351 on the Left

From Tampa/South Orlando: take FL 417 Central Florida Greenway east, exit #26 FL 528(Beachline) east toward Cocoa Beach 8.4 miles, take exit #24 Dallas Blvd, turn L on Dallas, under the overpass and immediate R on Starry, go 1 mile then L on Bancroft, go 3.3 miles take R onto Northcliff St., 0.3 miles to to 20351 on the Left

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