"Positive Training" has become a catch phrase that is often used in more recent years as trainers learn to move away from old ideas about dog behavior. At Mikamar, we believe in positive training and dedicate ourselves to adhering to that ideal...however, we take it much further...we believe in a positive attitude that surrounds our everyday lives and interactions with our pets. It is possible to be competitive and still have fun, maintaining a bond with our dogs that says "this is my best friend first...ribbons and trophies are secondary--the icing on the cake".
When you train with us, you are welcome to strive to reach your personal goals, whether to be among the top dog/handler teams in the country and beyond, or to simply come play with your dog on competition equipment and be the best you can be!
Agility, Rally and Obedience classes, all levels from puppy to champion, all breeds welcome
5765 Outback Ave SE
Palm Bay, FL 32909
Phone: 321-727-2949