Getting paid
Some have suggested that I try to make some money with the site. The financial costs of maintaining the site are a drop in the agility bucket. A half tank of diesel for the RV costs more than the hosting and software. The time investment is the biggest impact. I do not think selling ads would generate enough revenue with the limited audience available plus they would take up content space. I have considered a PayPal donate button but I have not made a decision on that yet.
Last year we had 17 trial days spread over five trial sets. So far the AKC database indicates we have six trial sets with 22 days of trials. That does not include Sarasota which has not indicated any plans yet. OTC Palm Beach County was not able to get their June date because of an HS reunion scheduled three years in advance. They have scheduled one in August and for 2015 both June and August. Thus far there is one open weekend (of five) in August. With the exception of the Treasure Coast trial the last weekend in August all the trial sets are four days.
I have been promised some after photos of the RV area once the renovation is complete.