I am in the process of converting the Email distribution from Google's Feedburner to MailChimp. As long as we stay under 2000 subscribers and under 12,000 emails a month it is free. It offers a number of customization options and you may see some changes to the emails generated over time. All emails contain an unsubscribe link and an update subscription preferences link. Emails will have my "george at floridaagility dot com" email address so make sure that it is not spam blocked.
The "Subscriptions" page has been updated a bit.
I had problems trying to embed the subscription form so subscription requests will take you to a separate page for the time being. The Subscriptions page outlines the email subscription process.
New email subscriptions after this is posted will be directed to MailChimp. Tomorrow (8/16), I will import the Feedburner email lists and shut down the Feedburner emails.