There is some information about the AKC Premier class in the AKC April BOD minutes. Here are some of the highlights I gleaned from the minutes.
- If approved at the June meeting, the clubs could start applying to hold the class starting July 1, 2015 for trials effective October 1, 2015.
- Dogs must have the appropriate AX title in order to compete in the corresponding Premier class.
- There does not seem to be a Standard Course Time. Just a Maximum Course time (like T2B and FAST)
- 19-21 obstacles, up to three tunnel entrances and no table. Viaduct jumps can be substituted for a spread or panel jump.
- Titles PAD, PADP, PJD, PJDP are earned by earning 25 qualifying scores. The kicker is five of the qualifying scores must be in the top 25%. If there is a tie for the last top 25% position, there will be a run off. The metallic and Century titles will apply after the initial title.